During the coffee break of conference at the National University of Singapore, I took a walk. Although I was not aware of my motives, I think I was unconsciously seeking nature.
After a few minutes, I came to the border of development. The flat land that surrounded the buildings ended, and there was a rather steep slope. It was covered thick with trees and plants, something that I had not seen in Singapore before, but something which, when you came to think about it, was only natural in such a tropical climate.
Wandering around, I witnessed several butteflies fly. Welcome to fragments of Singapore before civilization. I cried with joy in my heart. Something came to fruition after all those years.
It seems that your unconscious thirst led you to the land.
I am surprised that the thick vegetation borders on the mertopolis with a few minutes walk.
The encounter of sights is painful and moving at the same time.
Thank you for your photos of large-scale flower and leaf. I enjoy the rare shapes so much.
If it is possible that I want to cry with you.
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