Saturday, October 10, 2009

No award is premature

The decision of the Nobel committee to award Mr. Barack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize was laudable. Some people might say that it has been premature. I disagree, considering the nature of the human mind.

With recognition comes self reflection, as recognition, by its very nature, involves the vision of the others. Recognition can and should be the basis for further development, within the context of the relations with others. With recognition one can step forward with increased courage. Mr. Obama is now likely to be more invigorated in his efforts to make the world a better place.

In elementary school, the teacher sometimes hands out awards. Considering that the recipients are very early in their "career" indeed, every recognition that a child receives is arguably premature. From the point of view of the development of the child, however, no award is premature.

It is nice to learn that the award committee of the world's most prestigious prize knows the human nature well.


砂山鉄夫(Tetsu Sunayama) said...

That's OK everybody has his or her own opinion on this matter. I respect this decision of the committee.

This means "Bush No Prize, Obama Nobel Prize."

In a sense, this decision is very courageous one. I respect it.

constant gina said...

Congratulations to President Obama!!!