Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And there will be life

Lands in Tokyo, like in any cotemporary city of big lights, are heavily utilized. It was a rare occasion that a space near my house, after the demolition of buildings that occupied the land, was left unattended for the summer.

At first, it looked like a barren land. Soon the weeds began to grow. Now, it is like a jungle of miscellaneous vegetations. Flowers bloom here and there. Butterflies and dragonflies take advantage of the sudden growth of wilderness in the busy cityscape by flying over the green extension.

It is a testimony again that nature, when given sufficient space and time, can take care of itself. It does not require an active intervention on the part of humans. Just let nature go its own way, and there will be life.

I suspect that some essential parts of nature are victimized by our shortsighted meddlings. The unconscious is like the nature, and too much interference by the conscious can disrupt its carefree dynamics.

I take the scene of green apparitions that emerged in the rare open land as a testimony of the importance of autonomy, natural and unconscious.


Utako said...

" Just let nature go its own way, and there will be life."

I have another mysterious experience that may testify to this theory.
When I was in the sixth grade, the schoolhouse was newly built, and a pond was holed in the schoolyard. Our principal wanted to have colored carps, as gold, red and white. He left the pond full of water to get rid of lye of cement.

One day we noticed some water- weeds growing there, and someone shouted. There were hundreds of small shadows on the water floor. They were freshwater small gobies that we called "Tikuranpee".

" WHO planted TIKURANPEE in my pond !!! "
Principal cried.
Nobody could catch hundreds of gobies even if they would easily bite.
The pond is about 2 kilometers away from the marsh. And the water of our pond was city water. Gobies certainly hop and crawl, but the spotted slimy skin is not strong enough to dry out.
Principal gave up having beautiful carps. We called the phenomenon " Grate Migration ".

I don't know yet what happened to our pond.
We just learned the order of priority and respect for the natural habitant.

ナガサワ said...




masami said...

" Just let nature go its own way, and there will be life."
I think this can apply to the way of bringing up a chaild.
Just trust and wait.
That is the hardest thing for adults.