Wednesday, December 26, 2018

My lovely whale lyrics

My lovely whale

Ken Mogi

My lovely whale
You know you're free
Wherever you go
You can have fun.

You can see the cherry blossoms
You can climb Mt. Fuji
You can go to see Kabuki
You can even have a go at sumo.

Our lovely whale
You know you're free 
Whenever you fly
We will see the sky

How beautiful is the ocean
how graceful you are
The sun is above shining
And the moon will soon arise.

My lovely whale
You know you're free
Wherever you go
You can have fun.

You can see the cherry blossoms
You can climb Mt. Fuji
You can go to see Kabuki
You can even have a go at sumo.

My lovely whale
You know you're free
Wherever you go
You can have fun.

Our lovely whale
You know you're free 
Whenever you fly
We will see the sky

Created on 26th December 2018

Song available below.


(ma)gog said...

Hahaha�� Thank you for brightening me up, Mr.lovey Whale♥️

(ma)gog said...

Hello Mr.lovely Whale
Do you know Ms.lonely Whale?
Freedom has she just like you
By chosen however the road less traveled
Is she lost and very much troubled

So if you meet Ms.lonely Whale
Stay with her Mr.lovely Whale
Take a moment
to smile at her
Take her hand
to dance with her

As only that could console
So much weakened & broken her soul

Hello Mr.lovely Whale
Hope you know Ms.lonely Whale

created on 29th December 2018