Monday, November 16, 2009

Surprise visit of sunbeam

On Saturday and Sunday, I was in Shinjo village to attend a symposium. Shinjo is such a hidden treasure. There is a street with cherry trees on both sides. Hazy mountains surround the cozily small plain on which the human habitation finds itself. The houses stand in a quiet harmony. Shinjo is one of these best kept secrets.

Apart from a single Minshuku, there aren't any hotels or ryokans in Shinjo. Therefore the participants of the symposium stayed at private houses. I was staying with Mr. Katsuthoshi Shishido. Before going to bed, (or rather, futon), I strolled along the cherry street. It was an incredible night. There were several drinking parties going on, with people from the symposium gathering here and there.

I enjoyed chatting with people over beer and sake as well as finding solace in the solitude as I ventured into the night air from time to time.

Strolling the stretch among houses dimly lit by candles, I pondered why precious things are hard to give explicit expressions for. The practical and vulgar things get easily distributed. While the gentle and poignant suffer. People hardly gave a thought, for example, to the destruction of nature for a long, long time. Or the deterioration of conscience.

No wonder self-consciousness suffers in modern times. Each one us is bleeding internally from the effects of civilization. But then the fact that I am I have always suffered, the brutal forces of nature and society trespassing and degrading its sovereignty, while the comfort comes occasionally, like a surprise visit of sunbeam through a thick black cloud.


yuzu said...

Dear, Mr.Mogi
I was going to there,but some special person said
it is nothing in there. ?????
Anyway you had a good time,right?
I am so glad.
Well,I wanted to listen to that kind of atmosphere and stillness peace.

もっちー said...

I read your dialy. And I read your book(Brain & Study).
My life will be better than before!

Thank you very much Mr.Mogi

(ma)gog said...

Although it was a brief stay in Shinjo, you seem to have had a moment of serene time. It was heartaching however, when you said "it's a little shame to be able to connect internet" in your Japanese diary.

I am wishing you more and more "Surprise visits of sunbeam".

Is said...

nice to meet you.
I'm from Okayama!
so,I was very surprised to read your today's article.

sinjo is well-known as only villge that was opposed to the marger of towns and villages in okayama.

I may have got a little homesick.
but,I looked back on my dear home with nostalgia.

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