Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is going on, in general?

In my all time favorite British sitcom Father Ted, there is a scene where Father Dougal MacGuire (the gullible one) asks a priest beside him about the situation they're in.

Dougal: What's going on?

Priest: I think Ted has a plan.

Dougal: No. I mean in general.

(From "A Christmassy Ted", broadcast in 1996 as the Christmas Special, currently viewable at youtube, the lingerie section scene being available in part 2 of 6. The remarks by Dougal above can be heard at about 3:50).

In this scene, the priests have mistakenly found themselves in "Ireland largest lingerie section" of a department store. In order to avoid a church scandal, Father Ted tries to lead the priests out of the lingerie section safely, without the customers noticing the presence of the priests. That is when Dougal makes this immortal remark.

"What is going on, in general?"

If the job of the brain is to function within a context, then Dougal's brain is sometimes out of context. There is yet genius in his gullible mind.

"What is going on, in general?"

It is nice to ask this stupid question. Understanding the context might lead to effective intellects, but asking what on earth is going on in the first place is sometimes heavenly and uplifting.

The Immortal Four. The cover of a Father Ted DVD.


(ma)gog said...

It is difficult for me to sleep tonight as these lunatic men keep appearing in my mind to make me laugh and my stomach muscle hurts so much.

Anonymous said...

sounds fun! .. but i need to work on my study the next three or four days.
i will do enjoy today's topic later. thank you.

moomin0sun said...

 Funny,very funny!Yes,I tend to
repeat only one word.
I love these simple comedies.
By the way,how about Sakurazima like your head?