Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Until I seat myself under that great cherry tree.

Nowadays, I am very uneasy. I look up at the sky from time to time, and think when it must be. Should it be on Saturday, Sunday, or sometimes in the next week? There is not an easy answer. All my agitations are caused by the arrival of cherry blossoms.

First it is the hint of mildness in the cold air. Then the sudden sweet turn of the sunshine. Something in my heart starts to move. And before you know it, the cherry blossoms are blooming. It is difficult to predict when the flowers would be in full bloom. It is like reading your lover-to-be's mind on your first date.

The cherry trees are everywhere in Tokyo. They do not usually bear fruits. The Someiyoshino cherry was developed in the Edo era, and due to the flourishing beauty of blooms, has been adapted and cultivated everywhere. Spring is their prime show time.

Until we perform our annual hanami ("flower admiring") ritual, my state of agitation would persist. I look for the place, I search for the time. I am in a constant motion in search of the fulfillment of my heart, until I seat myself under that great cherry tree.


Anonymous said...

Cherry blossoms are very special to the Japanese people.They are full bloom once a year and a week or around.Unfortunately if it rains, we see cherry blossoms just a few days.At the same time of the year, many people have a big change in their life, going to the university, the transfer.Some people has to say good bye to their lovers(せつない).So the cherry blossoms and these events overwrap in our minds.That's why the cherry blossoms are special to the Japanese people.And I like the meaning and the sound of せつない.
This word means that we should accept the real life and go ahead, live our own life.The cherry blossoms have a short life, but they have the moment they are living for that short time.

Tak said...

Dear Dr.Mogi-sensei,

Reading your blog is a kind of daily 'hanami' for me. Your lines are like flowers, and your existence is like the great cherry tree.

Junko said...

It's raining outside.The temperature is repeatedly up and down,however the season of cherry blossoms viewing surely comes.
From the train window,I saw cherry buds lightly colored in pink.Absorbing the moisture,the trees would be waiting just the timing to be appreciated.