Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mr. Biden is a true hero.

In my humble opinion, President Joe Biden has already done a great job, not only through serving his country as a politician, especially during his presidency, but also by raising awareness of the detrimental effects that aging could have on one's cognitive functions. On a very high-profile platform on the presidential debate, Mr. Biden has inadvertently made the public become aware of what could happen to one when one grows older, a very important public health issue today.

As a human being, everyone would wish Mr. Biden the best of health, in the mind and the body. As a president and a president-to-be, Mr. Biden and people around might have to make decisions in the coming days, as suggested by the New York Times editorial. However, even in that case, through the process of tying to cope with one's conditions due to aging, Mr. Biden would show the world the true value of the human spirit, to do one's best no matter what. In that sense, Mr. Biden is a true hero.

Friday, June 28, 2024

American Presidential debate.

Listening to the Presidential debate, I have the feeling that the format is quite logically constructed, almost like a matrix of relevant issues. Presumably the journalists have done their jobs in preparing the platform. 

The candidates, however, tend to deviate, especially Mr. Trump. Mr. Biden has the tendency to stick to the boxed agenda, clear and crisp. I am not sure which candidate would give a more favorable impression on the American public. Perhaps it is the human factors that permeate through  the matrix that would help people form their opinion. 

Whoever becomes the President, I hope he will do his best to bring back reason and good-will to the international politics. The world is suffering enough from idiosyncratic expressions of interests, personal and national. Perhaps we need more of a matrix of rationality approach, based on universal human values, like this Presidential debate. 

Looking back, I have the impression that Mr. Biden probably did his preparations too rigorously, sticking to the pre-learned lines. A little more spontaneity would have been great.  Mr. Trump, on the other hand, was impulsive and repetitive as ever, but that was something already to be expected so that it would not have been a huge minus. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Musk conjecture.

 As humans go out into space and attain cosmic consciousness, novel and interesting questions could be found. Finding questions could be potentially more important than answering them, in the sense of Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Let us name this the Musk conjecture, after Elon Musk who repeatedly mentioned this idea. Exploring the Musk conjecture would have serious implications from here, as more people would explore the outer space, onto Mars and beyond.