Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, every place has become a center.

I came to the city of Kan-Onji on the Shikoku island to meet with Dr. Michiyo Okada, who is a specialist on teaching children with special backgrounds and nees.

The city of Kan-Onji is a tranquil place on the Setonaikai sea. When I came to this kind of place before, I used to think that I am now far from the center. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, every place has become a center.

Dr. Okada is making some remarkable observations and discoveries while teaching the students. In that sense, Kan-Onji is the center. I came to learn valuable things all the way from Tokyo to this center of humanistic learning.


Anonymous said...

My view is that with or without the advent of the internet, every individual human being has always been a "center" and the internet is merely a new media which enables global access for such individual centers which have always been existent. Centers which have always been "directly open" to the outside world should make effective use of this new media to reach a broader base than before, globally, in a positive sense. Meanwhile, the question is, what about the centers which have been "closed" to the external world in the sense that any openness of such centers has been of a rather "indirect" nature thusfar? While my view is that any "indirect" communication through the internet should rather tend to amplify the "harm" of any previous modes of communication (eg rumors and backbiting), I wonder if the internet can truly change the ways of communication prevalent in Japan in a positive sense.

Tak said...

Dear Dr. Mogi-sensei,

I totally agree with your point that the advent of the internet has changed the notion of the 'center' in Japan.

However, from time to time, I get a sudden surge of nostalgia for those good days when the world was full of the unknown places.

Books, radio, TV, and the internet...While the advent of all of them have given us significant value, they might rob us of sense of pleasure of monopoly on what we find out in our journey of life.

Yuzu said...

I watched the term of Dr.Okada on TV in your program. It was a great program and her.
I think she was so thank you for your thought.
I don't know the advent of the internet, every place has become a center. You were one of marvelous center of the internet. You are so delicate and sentimental person.

You go around every place and all kind field, so we believe in you. So you are center of us.
I will try to see you someday again.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the city of Kan-Onji.
Did you know that the temporary exhibition of Jakuchu Ito was held in Kompira-san Shrine of the place that you went by car from Kan-Onji for 40 minutes?
And it was written by your book in "Qualia of the Art".
I want to visit the works by all means.