It was meant as a launch event for my latest book (translated as "Symposium of the Brains"), but we talked out of the context as always.
I tend to judge people by the high tension. Takashi's tension is as lofty as ever. It flies sky high. His day time job is professor at the prestigious University of Tokyo, but he wears Aloha and jeans during office time all the same. Fashion statement is a wonderful channel of philosophy. I have weathered this whole year with only a single pair of trousers and jacket, augmented by a collection of T-shirts.
I am always looking for a person with high tension. When your counterpart is earnest, full of energy, and committed, through the dialogue one can fly high up in the air. Last night, with Takashi, the whole audience witnessed lofty mountains and distant oceans. The cityscapes of Tokyo diminished into the background.

High tension professor in aloha. Best chum Takashi Ikegami.
- I am always looking for a person with high tension. ..
Your passage in "twitter" also very interesting & nice:
Time flow consists of now, things that was, and things that will be. Just focusing on the interplay you can get a great kick."
(above-cited passage from your Japanese qualia journal)
How come you are so interesting ..?
By the way, my mom has had a serious brain bleeding and now is unconscious. Brain science, medicine arena in particular, needs to improve more ... I have just thought.
I do not mentioned about life-prolonging treatment, however, it seems to me that there are too many uncertainties about the brain.
Dr Mogi, how do you think on this issue?
I am sorry I often make grammatical errors:
e.g. (revised today's sentences)
- above passage was quoted from your Japanese qualia journal...
- I do not mention about a life-prolonging treatment ...
Dr. Mogi states that "..there are people who like to say polite but meaningless things. I ignore the mannerism, and just go straight to the essence of matters."
so, I would try to say something meaningful in my comments although I would also write grammatically correct sentences ..
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