When I am attending a meeting and get bored, I sometimes jot down something on my notebook. Here's the product of love at the latest occasion of boredom. It is called "Twenty Whales". Produced while I was one of the panelists in a symposium held on 8th June 2005.

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...and I thought I was bored! You got up to 18 whales with waves and detail! I only got down 3 daisies, one curly letter of the alphabet and fancy corners on the page. I have to admit in my case, the session was not long and the guy asked questions so I had to listen at some spots. You are a particularly detailed person having a whale of a time(?)
One more thing - how come 2 of the whals have legs and a tail each? Are you sure they are really whales? What if they are just wearing disguise?
Dear, Petrusa.
Thank you for your comments.
Yeah, in my case, too, the nasty ones kept asking me questions etc. so I could not draw the 30 whales I originally planned. The 10 whale deficit is entirely their fault. About the mysterious two whales with legs and tail, they are actually "mountain whales". Some millions of years ago they "branched out" from the sea whale line. Actually I am a descendant of the mountain whales. Strange I do not have a tail, though.
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